Facelifts: When do you need surgery and when simpler solutions can do the job?

Are you tired of feeling like your face is showing signs of aging? Are the crow’s feet becoming more visible near your eyes? Are the wrinkles lines around your lips and nose becoming more visible? Or perhaps you went through a drastic weight-loss and your jawline and neck are beginning to sag. A facelift surgery might be just what you need right now to feel rejuvenated!

Facelifts, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery that helps reverse the signs of aging as it produces a smoother and more vibrant appearance on the face and neck. Aging and losing weight can cause dissymmetry in the face such as sagging facial skin, deep wrinkles, jowls, or loose skin/excess fat under the chin.

Non-surgical facelift procedures, are fads that can be called under different names depending on what is popular at the time, who is the promotor at the time of your consultation, and what is popular at the time such as liquid lifts, vampire facelift, red lift, gold lift etc.

Botox, fillers, Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP and laser phototherapy to stimulate your own stem cells and thread lifts, when combined with nonabrasive gentle lasers with or without fat transfer or stem cell therapy are great temporary solutions, especially if they are started early in life. They have less side effects, less risk of complications, faster recovery and in expert hands look more natural and with no scars.

A facelift surgery, on the other hand, provides long-lasting results, going up 8-10 years, depending on how well you take care of your skin. Facelift surgery has been around for over a century now and it has continued to evolve with new techniques that show more natural-looking results. Here, at Novomed, our well-trained plastic surgeons use the most advanced and minimally invasive facelift techniques to help you restore the tight, youthful contours of your face and neck and help you look as young as you feel on the inside, with minimal scarring and reduced downtime. The facelift surgery also targets multiple signs of aging or weight loss in one procedure. Thus, it can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, if you wish such as eye lid surgery, brow lift, nose refinement or neck lift in addition to chemical peels or stem cell therapy or laser phototherapy to make your facial skin look more beautiful.

Before surgery:

Before you get a facelift, you will have a free consultation with one of our many highly qualified and trusted plastic surgeons at Novomed, where you will discuss your goals, expectations, and medical history. The surgeon will perform a physical examination, they will evaluate your facial structure, skin quality, and overall health condition to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

During the consultation, your surgeon will also ask you about your medical history and your current medications and supplement use. You will be asked to stop taking certain medications, such as Advil and ibuprofen. You will need to follow any instructions the surgeon gives you carefully to minimize the risk of complications during and after the surgery.

After your physical and medical examinations, your surgeon will explain the different types of facelifts available at Novomed and which one is best suitable for your individual needs. There are several types of facelifts, including Traditional Facelift, Minimal Access Cranial Suspension (MACS) Surgery, and Keyhole Surgery.

Each facelift type has its own unique benefits and side effects that your surgeon will explain and help you decide which one is right for you. They will answer any other question you may have during the consultation and once you and your surgeon agree on the result that can be achieved with surgery, they will customize it to suit your personal needs and provide you with pre- and post-surgery instructions.

The surgery:

A facelift involves your surgeon making incisions in front of your ears and around your hairline to pull back a flap of skin on each side of the face and surgically modifying the tissues and muscles below the skin. This helps to create a more youthful and rejuvenating appearance by reducing sagging skin and folding wrinkles. The surgeon may also remove any excess skin and fat that has accumulated over time, before delicately putting back the flaps and suturing them closed.

After surgery:

The surgeon will have wrapped your face in a compression bandage to support your facial tissues and muscles after the procedure and keep your incisions sterile. They will also provide you with instructions on how to care for your incisions, manage any pain or discomfort, and prevent infections.

Swelling and bruising are common after a facelift, and it can take several weeks to heal completely. You will be prescribed pain medication to help manage any discomfort. Therefore, you should consider having someone to care for you the first week post-surgery.

On the other hand, the facelift surgery is complete! The results can last for many years, and in some cases, they can be permanent. The decades of built-up wrinkles, sagging skin, and other signs of aging or weight-loss are no longer visible on your smoother, more vibrant, and youthful appearance.

Worry no more; relax those eyebrows and lift your beautiful face. Once you’re ready, take a few seconds to fill the form to request for a free pre-consultation here.