More than 15,000 successful plastic and reconstructive surgeries and counting!
Dr. Sahar Kazzaz is one of the best plastic surgeons in UAE. She has 30 years’ experience as a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, with 21 years dedicated to cosmetic and aesthetic surgeries. She is subspecialized in cosmetic breast surgery, body contouring, and body lifts after massive weight loss.
Dr Sahar has been in Dubai since 1999, and was the first full time female plastic surgeon in UAE. She received her Appreciation Award in June 2004, presented by EPSS (Emirates Plastic Surgery Society) for her involvement in the initiation of the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society EPSS in UAE.
Dr Sahar is a perfectionist in nature with elite surgical skills that enable her to tailor procedures to each individual patient based on her deep understanding of anatomy, body types & cosmetic goals. She keeps up with the latest advances in technology available and utilizes proven techniques to ensure safety and an aesthetically pleasing results. Her surgical philosophy is simple: achieve the most natural, refined, and long-lasting result possible..
Your journey with Dr. Sahar starts with a caring and transparent consultation where she listens to your aesthetic needs and provides you with all available surgical and non-surgical options. She will be with you during every step of the recovery period to ensure you have a safest, long lasting and aesthetic result.
Dr. Sahar earned her Bachelor degree in Medicine & Surgery in 1988, followed by a specialization degree and Board degree in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (FICMS) in 1995. She also earned a subspecialized degree in aesthetic surgery Postgraduate Diploma in Aesthetic Surgery and MSc in Aesthetic Surgery, both with distinction from the University of London/ Queen Mary and Westfield College.
Her other focus areas include:
- Aesthetic Breast Surgeries (Augmentation by fat &/or Implant, Lifting, Reduction, Secondary Breast Surgery, Breast Implant Complication, Congenital Breast & Nipple Anomalies, Male Breast Reduction Surgery)
- Mommy Makeover Surgeries
- Tummy Tuck (Miniabdominoplasty, Lipoabdominoplasty, lateral extended lipoabdominoplasty, Belt lipectomy , Fleur de Lys & Reverse abdominoplasty)
- Liposuction Body Sculpturing (laser, vaser, power assisted, body jet liposuction according to the case needs) plus skin tightening; laser or J-plasma (Renuvion) or to treat stubborn areas.
- Body Lift After Massive Weight Loss (Belt Lipectomy, Buttock Lift with autologous Flap Augmentation, Arm Lift, Thigh Lift, Back Lift, Breast Correction after MWL)
- Fat Transfer ( with Cultured Stem Cells or SVF) for face, hand, buttock augmentation (BBA), labial augmentation.
- Cosmetic Gynaecology
- Stem Cell Therapy for scar, wound and ulcers
Managing patients suffering from the outcome of bariatric surgeries and rapid massive weight loss, doing upper and lower body lift including arm lift, back lift, full buttock lift, thighs lift, belt lipectomy using her personal modification with successful cosmetic & long-term outcome combing it with full buttock lift plus rejuvenate & reshaping challenging breasts shape after massive weight loss. Dr Sahar has been performing all of these surgeries on an almost daily basis with minimal complications comparing to the ones that have been reported globally in the medical literatures and multicenter research.
Dr Sahar was one of the first plastic surgeons in the region to incorporate adipose-derived stem cells (stem cells from your own unwanted fat tissue) for breast, body, and face, and to treat many skin problems. She is one of leading plastic surgeons working with Bioscience Laboratory, Middle East for expanding & storing stem cells (main branch, Melan Italy). She is also one of the members Cell Surgical Network (CSN), which is based in USA.
Member of:
1. Iraqi Association for Surgeons. accepted in 1995.
2. IPRAS: International Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, accepted as a member in 1998.
3. Plastic Surgery Society / Emirates Medical Association accepted in 2000.
4. ISAPS: accepted as a member in the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2005.
5. ISRAS Iraqi Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
6. Accepted as an International membership in the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, 2012.
7. ASPS: International member of American Society of Plastic Surgery 2018.
8. Active member with Cell Surgical Network CSN: For the investigational use of adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs)
for clinical research & development. 2019
9. Active member of American Board of Regenerative Medicine (ABRM)-2023